We understand the problem of finding time to do various household work is extremely difficult in the modern day stressful environment. A modern home needs the appliances like washing machine, television, mixie, grinder, fan, microwave, air-conditioner, water heaters and computer table etc.
The list is endless, It’s extremely time-consuming job for anyone. We are happy to offer our services to source these home appliances as per your wish. You can choose the brand, colour and other specifications, we will buy, transport and fix it for you at affordable cost.
While buying a home appliances, our team is trained to choose star-labelled appliances which denotes it’s energy-efficiency level. Likewise, they purchase only the right-sized air-conditioner, refrigerator and other items to suit your living space. With our expertise in this field, we will help to avail the various incentive and buy-back schemes, low-interest loans and interest-free EMI offers from our channel partners.
